We’re using VolunteerSpot (an online sign up and reminder tool) to schedule our upcoming activity. Please sign up - here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this button to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2) Enter your email address. VolunteerSpot will then send you a PERSONAL signup invitation coded to your email address. (no registration required) Please note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone or send spam emails.
3) Go to your email inbox and open the invitation from VolunteerSpot – click "Sign Up Now/Learn More" to choose your spots.
Note: If you have trouble accessing the site or prefer not to enter your email address – please email terc@ashland.edu and I can sign you up manually.
* Please don’t share your personal sign up invitation, the link is unique to your email address . If you delete your personal email invitation, please go to www.VolunteerSpot.com and click “Find My Activity Links” to get a new email with links to all your activities.